Perhaps your intent is to make the milk warm. Powdered milk or fresh milk that we Dab into a glass with us immediately brewed with hot water with temperatures near 100 ° C. Then, after a quarter or a third filled glasses, then we pour the rest with plain water until almost full one glass. But did you know that this way is almost a worst method for making a glass of warm milk is full of nutrition?
Surprised? Maybe yes, maybe not too. But this is so, all the vitamins will break down and damaged when in contact with the temperature is too hot. So brewing liquid milk or milk powder with hot water directly, in fact not unlike eliminate the vitamins contained in them. Not many people know about this trivial but important. Even though the medical community. Think carefully, how the growth of your baby if the milk in addition to proper food full of vitamins that you gave them turned out to contain vitamins have been lost? Relakah you if this happens just because of little things and sesepele this?
Vitamins are very vulnerable unravel. Moreover, because of exposure or contact with objects or substances with the temperature too extreme. Included are hot water. Hot water is referred to here is a boiling water or water with temperatures near the boiling point of water wherever you are (the boiling point of water is not always 100 ° C, depending on temperature and pressure where you are). Why is not it a habit to brew tea, coffee, even so is milk, with hot water when we want to make a cup drink it? Well, that's the point of fault. It is already entrenched. Even in this famous-famous place or some place to eat, often when we order a milk 'anget', which presented precisely milk 'hot' that in fact no longer the milk is rich in vitamins again. Just try to stall "fresh cow's milk." Add milk processing, was approximately what percentage of vitamins contained in a glass of milk is presented as' his panas' it? Therefore, we should understand how real milk presents steps to vitamins are not too many missing?
Milk contains so many vitamins and minerals in it. But remember, not only the many nutrients contained in milk, but also bacteria. Millions of bacteria live in a glass of milk fertile that you just dairy from a cow. And the only heat that is able to separate between the two. But the excessive heat not only eliminates bacteria that live in it, but also all the vitamins. Heating method that has been used in processing milk is the way of "pasteurization", in which milk is heated to a temperature of 70 ° C. Milk naturally bad bacteria will die, but the vitamin content of milk was still awake. But where possible we can ensure the temperature of steeping water that we use in making a glass of milk? It is not practical to measure the water temperature tremos us before making a glass of milk.
For that, there are two possible easy road taken to mediate this.
1. Use warm water, or, at least if you only have boiling water, leave it exposed to free water in your glass before you Dab your milk powder or liquid. Warm here is lukewarm. You know if it will take a bath with warm water, you will adjust how warm the water before you use. That lukewarm.
2. Pour cold water or water with room temperature milk in powder or liquid that you Dab on glass, before you menyeduhnya with boiling water or hot water tremos you. This method is faster, but less accurate. Of course as estimated how much cold water you with how much water you pour hot which will later need a more accurate estimate. One-one end is too hot temperature. But this is still better than if you brew your milk powder or liquid with boiling water directly.
April 13, 2011
Brewing Milk With Hot Water Equals vitamins Ruin
April 12, 2011
The Truth About Stress And Hypnotherapy For Stress Management
How often do you find yourself wondering what is the best possible way to reduce the stress in your life? You are just an average person with a normal life, decent work hours, and a family to care for; yet you can't help but court stress in every aspect of your life. Be it presentations at work, failing to be at your daughter's fancy dress competition, or forgetting your anniversary…you seem to be meeting stress at every corner. And you have been spending hours mulling over what is the best possible way to reduce stress – have you ever thought of trying hypnotherapy for stress management?
Stress has slowly seeped into every aspect of our life, and we often find ourselves blaming the fast paced life, the rat race and anything else that we can think of. We often think of stress as a negative force, something which will lead to nervous breakdowns and heart attacks. While I counsel my clients during hypnotherapy for stress management sessions, I often tell them that they should learn to look at stress not just as a negative factor; the truth is that stress can be a positive force as well. Don't believe me? Well, look at this way…it is stress which drives us to do better, to put in our best efforts into anything we do. It is stress that pushes us to work towards our goals or helps us get out of a rut. We often increase our stress by stressing about stress! Sounds confusing, well it is.
How often do you find yourself wondering what is the best possible way to reduce the stress in your life? You are just an average person with a normal life, decent work hours, and a family to care for; yet you can't help but court stress in every aspect of your life. Be it presentations at work, failing to be at your daughter's fancy dress competition, or forgetting your anniversary…you seem to be meeting stress at every corner. And you have been spending hours mulling over what is the best possible way to reduce stress – have you ever thought of trying hypnotherapy for stress management?
Stress has slowly seeped into every aspect of our life, and we often find ourselves blaming the fast paced life, the rat race and anything else that we can think of. We often think of stress as a negative force, something which will lead to nervous breakdowns and heart attacks. While I counsel my clients during hypnotherapy for stress management sessions, I often tell them that they should learn to look at stress not just as a negative factor; the truth is that stress can be a positive force as well. Don't believe me? Well, look at this way…it is stress which drives us to do better, to put in our best efforts into anything we do. It is stress that pushes us to work towards our goals or helps us get out of a rut. We often increase our stress by stressing about stress! Sounds confusing, well it is.
Stress as a force confounds our brain, and hinders our ability to think straight. That's why we end up doing stupid things when we are stressed. Have you ever found yourself wondering why you fought with your spouse/partner while at work; the issue that you fought upon seems trivial to you now. This is the classic byproduct of stress; most people who are stressed out tend to do things without thinking them through, their thinking abilities are blocked either by anxiety, fear or confusion. It's like the wiper on your mind's windshield suddenly fails to function. Hypnotherapy for stress management enables you to understand stress for what it is; by working on the rules of relaxation and positive reinforcements, hypnosis helps you get to a calmer state of mind where you begin to see things clearly again
Hypnotherapy for stress management also makes you realize the cause of the stress and slowly nudges you towards dealing with those causes. With the help of techniques and auto suggestion, it instructs your subconscious mind to deal with a situation better. Let's face it, we live in a very hectic world and all of us seem to be running around for something or the other. More often than not, we fail to take out time for ourselves from our busy lives. We don't find the time to relax, to put up our feet up and forget every care in the world. We get stuck into a routine which seems impenetrable. The first way that hypnotherapy for stress management helps you during stressful times is that it provides the perfect opportunity to relax. It lets you drift into a comfort zone where you rediscover yourself; the hypnosis guides you towards using stress as a positive force in your life. It also helps you remember things that make you happy, and helps your mind retreat to these happy images and places every time you are negatively stressed out.
The antidote to stress is relaxation; and hypnotherapy for stress management gives you the perfect excuse to relax. So go ahead, they hypnotherapy and relax away your stresses!
What Does Your Logo Color Say About Your Business?
And not only your logo, but also your website, your brochure, your business cards and any of your marketing materials for that matter.
Yes, colors do matter
They communicate feelings and emotions. They represent ideas and thoughts. So before you create a logo or any other piece of marketing make sure you select the right colors to communicate a personality that accurately represents you and your business.
Following are some generally accepted principles of color and the emotions they evoke. Keep them in mind when selecting colors to represent your business.
White/Silver: purity, truthfulness, faith, contemporary, refined, wealth
Black: seriousness, distinctiveness, boldness, power, sophistication
Blue: authority, dignity, security, faithfulness, heritage, trust
Brown/Gold: history, utility, earthiness, richness, tradition, conservative
Gray/Silver: somberness, authority, practicality, corporate mentality
Green: tranquility, health, freshness, stability, appetite
Orange: fun, cheeriness, warm exuberance, appetite, speed
Pink: femininity, innocence, softness, health, youth
Purple: sophistication, spirituality, wealth, royalty, youth, mystery
Red: aggressiveness, passion, strength, vitality, fear, speed, appetite
Yellow: youth, positive feelings, sunshine, refinement, caution, appetite
So, what the meaning about your's?????
April 09, 2011
How To Be Successful At Interviews?
No matter how expert or experienced you are, when you are applying for a promotion in your own organisation, or a post in another organisation, being fully prepared for the interview is critical. Your expertise, knowledge, reputation, experience, and appearance, will help you, but it is highly likely that the other candidates will have similar attributes.
Here is list of actions that you should carry out in order to be fully prepared. Gather information about the recruiting organisation (this includes your present employer if it is an internal interview): before you decide whether to attend the interview, it is essential that you gather information about the organisation and analyse this. You need information on its recent and forecast performance, the condition of the business sector in which it operates, and the post that it is offering. If the organisation and sector are healthy, and the post looks secure and has potential, then you can move on to the next stage. If your findings are negative then it is almost certain that the best decision would be to reject the opportunity. You need to gather information about the condition of yourself, looking at how your personal and career plans are progressing, focusing on how the prospects in your current job match with your personal and career objectives, and then how the new post could help you to achieve those objectives.
Decide to attend or not to attend the interview. You need to make an objective decision as to whether taking up this new post is the right decision for you, at this time. Armed with the information that you gathered earlier, you can assess the merits of being appointed to the new post, against staying in your current post, albeit perhaps until a more appropriate opportunity arises, and make your decision confidently. It is, of course, tempting to apply for a job which appears to offer a higher salary, more responsibility, more status, and new directions, and if this is so appealing that you are confident that you can adjust your development plans to match it, and be happy with that decision, then yes, attend the interview and perform to the best of your ability. However, be warned that the interviewers may well reject you because it will become obvious to them that the position they are offering is not a natural fit with your career to date, and worse, they may well ask you how this new opportunity fits with your future personal development plans, and be disappointed with your unconvincing response.
Gather details of the job itself. You need as much information as you can gather about the nature of the job, the role, responsibilities, reporting relationships, location of the workplace, working conditions, and conditions of employment such as working hours, holidays, and corporate policies and procedures that apply to the position. Some of this information will be given to you in the information pack sent to you by the interviewing organisation, or department, but often, sadly, the quality of information sent out is poor. Most professional organisations will have HR departments that will answer your questions on these issues, or pass you on to the appropriate line manager.
Research the interview format: you need to do some basic but essential research on the practicalities of the interview. Again, some of this information will be sent to you. You should be clear about: how to get to the organisation and the specific interview location (don't rely on asking for this information when you arrive, as this adds to the stress of the occasion); who is on the interview panel (their titles will give you important clues as to their relationships to the post); what format the interview will take (there is nothing worse than arriving expecting a traditional face-to-face interview and finding that it is a day-long series of tests, group activities, and interviews).
Timing of arrival. Make sure that you arrive in good time, allowing time to tidy your physical appearance after your journey, and sufficient time to become calm before the actual interview.
Your appearance. Do not make the mistake of thinking that it is only your history, qualifications, skills, and knowledge that will win you the job. Most other candidates will have similar attributes, so you need to make an impression, to look professional, smart, and appropriate for the post. In many cases, there will have been a previous holder of the post that the interviewers may be using, albeit subconsciously, as a benchmark. You can't guess what the interviewers want, or don't want, in terms of physical appearance and personality, but don't for one second believe anyone that tells you this doesn't matter (it shouldn't, perhaps, in certain circumstances, but you are being invited into their world, and they will be looking for someone who they will be comfortable with (even if the role requires you to be an aggressive change-agent). Yes, in some countries there is legislation that says the job should be offered to the most appropriate person, regardless of appearance, but in real life this isn't what happens. The answer to this dilemma is to research the culture of the organisation that you are joining, so that you are aware of how people, in positions similar to the one you are being interviewed for, dress and behave, and you can comment on or ask questions about this during the interview. However, don't go to the interview in jeans and t-shirt, even if that's the day to day standard. You need to look as professional, as serious about obtaining the job, as possible. For men, that almost certainly means a business suit, or jacket and trousers, with or without tie. For women, a business suit or business outfit. For both sexes, smart-casual can be acceptable, if, but only if, it is that type of environment. In most situations, for most posts on offer to professionals, specialists, managers, experts, consultants, a business outfit is expected at the interview, even if, after appointment, they would never again expect you to come to work in anything remotely as formal.
Your approach. In a word, think positively. You are offering your talents, your experience, your time, effort, and energies, to this organisation, and you need to give the impression that you would be a valuable asset that they would be foolish to reject. This doesn't mean being aggressive, over enthusiastic, pompous, or pretentious, but it does mean showing the interviewers that you are a confident, assertive, pro-active, flexible, professional who would perform successfully if appointed.
Prepare for, and practice answering, the interview questions: think about questions that you are likely to be asked. Brainstorm this with a colleague, friend, or partner, and practice answering. Practice using the interview questions to strengthen your argument that you are the best person for the job. For example, you will be almost certainly be asked about your experience and qualifications, even though this will be shown in your CV. Your response should be phrased in such a way that you relate your experience, knowledge, and qualifications, to the role and responsibilities of the new post, showing how these existing attributes will give you the confidence and skills to successfully handle the tasks that lie ahead. With luck you will not be asked questions such as - What do you think are the main benefits that you could bring to this job, if appointed? However, it still happens, so you must be prepared for them. Again, practice responding in a way which links your experience and existing skills to the demands of the new role. If you are asked - What would you say are your biggest strengths and worst weaknesses? then talk mostly about your strengths, giving examples of how these have been effectively used, and be very, very careful talking about your alleged weaknesses. Choose a relatively harmless weakness that could be interpreted as a strength, such as being over-zealous about quality criteria being met, or insisting on deadlines being met which can upset some team members. Don't, under any circumstances, negatively criticise your present or past employers, or colleagues. Even if the organisation that you work for is known to have faults or bad practices, don't criticise it or any personnel within it. This is almost always a fatal mistake. You will almost always be asked some questions about the interviewing organisation. Again, use these as an opportunity to show you have researched the organisation, but also to explore what the organisation is planning (at least in the area that you will be working in), and-or what they are expecting of you. For example, you could mention new markets that the organisation has recently entered and ask if that will impact on the post that you are being interviewed for. If you are asked about hobbies and interests, don't give a list of twenty, keep it simple and don't try to impress with esoteric hobbies that you don't actually have. Imagine saying that you enjoy watching French films and then being asked a question about this, in French, by one of the interviewers who is fluent in the language!
Questions asked by you. Most interviews will close with the interviewee being asked if they have any questions to ask. The answer should always be - Yes. Have two questions ready, and either ask these or ask one of them and one that has arisen because something raised in the interview. Make sure that your questions are ones that reinforce your suitability for the post. You could, for example, ask questions about personal development opportunities, explaining, briefly, what you feel would be a potentially useful development activity (of benefit to you and to the organisation) if you were to be offered the post (this should be an area that you have considered whilst researching the organisation and the job itself).
General behaviour: remember, you are being assessed at all times, possibly from when you enter the building and approach the receptionist, certainly from the moment you walk into the interview room to the moment you leave. You must be as natural and relaxed, physically and mentally, as possible, but also professional, polite, and courteous. Never argue, unless you have been given a direct instruction to give your opposing views. Be alert, show an interest in each interviewer as the ask questions, and answer directly to that person, but occasionally look at the others during your answer. In answering questions, don't be evasive, be confident, and use your answers to demonstrate how you would make a good match for the position on offer.
Final word. As the interview ends, thank the interviewers for their time and questions. Say that you would be very pleased if appointed to the job and that you look forward to hearing from them. Even if you have doubts at that moment, this is a courteous and wise way to end the interview. You may later decide that you would like the job and if you have appeared negative as the interview ended you will have reduced your chances considerably.
In summary, the key to being successful at an interview is to treat it as a project that needs to be planned and executed in as professional a manner as possible. Changing jobs, moving into a new position, changing organisations, changing the direction of your career, perhaps moving into a different business sector, leaving behind friends and colleagues, meeting, working with, managing, new colleagues, is a major change in your life. The interview is your doorway into a new world, into the next stage of your personal development. It is a major event, a major opportunity, and must be treated as one.
Do Dreams Serve as a Premonition?
Being able to foresee an unfortunate fact of life like death, disasters, illnesses, etc. through a dream is very common. Anyone may dream of something good or bad happening to someone else or even to themselves. Do dreams serve as a premonition?
Before we proceed in answering the question, let me first give you the definition of premonition and dreams. Based on dictionary meaning a PREMONITION is a presentiment of the future or a warning in advance while a DREAM is a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep; a wild fancy or hope or a reverie.
Let us first talk about dreams. We all know that dreams do play a role in our daily lives. The majority of people pay little attention to dreams. Dreams can help us find solutions to our daily problems and see things from a different perspective. Whenever we are dreaming, we can be who or what we want to be, regardless of the fact that in real life, sometimes it cannot be. Dreams have their own interpretation, like for example when you dream about loose, rotten, or missing teeth, it indicates that a family member or close friend is very sick or even near death. You can learn of your dream's meaning through a Dictionary of Dreams.
Now, what about premonitions? As defined earlier, it may be a warning in advance. A lot of people have had premonitions in different types of situations. When we say premonition, it is conveyed through dreams. A certain foreboding of what will happen in the near future but in a vague sense. Many cases of premonitions were documented like the disaster when Titanic sank and killed a lot of people, wherein there were fifty counts of premonitions. Some of the passengers who had a premonition cancelled their tickets before riding the Titanic, were saved from the horrible disaster that took place in 1912
Cara Daftar Paypal
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Pemegang account Paypal harus berusia minimal 18 tahun atau lebih dan mempunyai :
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