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April 12, 2011

What Does Your Logo Color Say About Your Business?

And not only your logo, but also your website, your brochure, your business cards and any of your marketing materials for that matter.

Yes, colors do matter

They communicate feelings and emotions. They represent ideas and thoughts. So before you create a logo or any other piece of marketing make sure you select the right colors to communicate a personality that accurately represents you and your business.

Following are some generally accepted principles of color and the emotions they evoke. Keep them in mind when selecting colors to represent your business.

White/Silver: purity, truthfulness, faith, contemporary, refined, wealth

Black: seriousness, distinctiveness, boldness, power, sophistication

Blue: authority, dignity, security, faithfulness, heritage, trust

Brown/Gold: history, utility, earthiness, richness, tradition, conservative

Gray/Silver: somberness, authority, practicality, corporate mentality

Green: tranquility, health, freshness, stability, appetite

Orange: fun, cheeriness, warm exuberance, appetite, speed

Pink: femininity, innocence, softness, health, youth

Purple: sophistication, spirituality, wealth, royalty, youth, mystery

Red: aggressiveness, passion, strength, vitality, fear, speed, appetite

Yellow: youth, positive feelings, sunshine, refinement, caution, appetite

So, what the meaning about your's?????


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